Language Use and Coalition Formation in Multiparty Negotiations

TitleLanguage Use and Coalition Formation in Multiparty Negotiations
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsSagi, E, Diermeier, D
JournalCognitive Science
KeywordsCoalition formation, Latent semantic analysis, Linguistic entrainment, Negotiation, Psycholinguistics

The alignment of bargaining positions is crucial to a successful negotiation. Prior research has
shown that similarity in language use is indicative of the conceptual alignment of interlocutors.
We use latent semantic analysis to explore how the similarity of language use between negotiating
parties develops over the course of a three-party negotiation. Results show that parties that reach
an agreement show a gradual increase in language similarity over the course of the negotiation.
Furthermore, reaching the most financially efficient outcome is dependent on similarity in language
use between the parties that have the most to gain from such an outcome.

Refereed DesignationRefereed